industrial supercritical CO2 extraction machine


Supercritical fluid powder formation system

The properties of CO2 are also used in powder production processes for the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics industries.

Thus our equipment allows the use of SAS (Supercritical Anti-Solvent), PGSS (Particle from Gas Saturated Solution) and RESS (Rapid Expansion of Supercritical Solution) processes.

These processes allow:

  • Crystallize a polymer
  • Control particle shape
  • Achieve fine particle size
  • Formulate pharmaceutical ingredients
  • Perform micro-encapsulation

The use of CO2 thus makes it possible to produce powders at relatively low temperatures and by limiting the use of organic solvents.

Our SFP laboratory equipment makes it easy to combine these different processes.

Our production equipment is dedicated and optimized for your applications.

supercritical CO2 equipment for powder
SFP equipment with SAS / RESS / PGSS processes